Monday, November 5, 2007

my world vs the world

So what the hell are we going to do to save this country, to deter the eventual downfall, to efficiently educate our children, to raise consciousness, to make living here more desirable, more enriching, less stressful, less meaningless?

As usual, I was ranting at a fucking bar (this time in east jesus), and this Irish immigrant said,

"What would you do to change America right now ?"


"Well, I don't know exactly, I would just try to raise consciousness within the capacity of my talents and limitations... blahblah."

I really had no idea how to respond! My first instinct was something akin to, "I would dismantle the entertainment industry immediately and then systematically destroy every television in the country."

But not only is that scenario completely infeasible, it's a little fascist as well.

So what would I do? What would you do? What should we do? Ultimately, I consider myself a patriot: I love the things I love; I want to change what needs to be changed. What needs to be changed? Well, first of all, a "family" certainly does not have to be a mother, a father and their beautiful children. Family is relative; it means different things for different people. Furthermore, the "religious right" is not the only faction in the US that values the institution of family, as we all (should) know.

Secondly, schools need more money, especially in the South. I think that I can safely assert that without any accompanying rant like, "we're spending so much money on a war for oil blahblah.." so I'll spare the reader.

Personally, I would like a greater emphasis/amount of respect/enthusiasm placed on the arts, but that's totally a personal desire; I'm not sure at this point (I'm 22) if buying more paint or drums or computers for budding child artists is a feasible (or relevant) solution.

More than anything though, we have to consume less. Now, I'm a smoker, I like food, technology's okay, whatever. But what most people don't realize is that these corporations, these ad agencies, these CEOs own people. Our citizens are so blindsided by competition and looks that consuming more, consuming better seems like the only solution.

Well, it's not.

People are more likely to be drawn to someone with strength of character rather than strength of pocketbook. And if anyone disagrees, the people who are "drawn" to you because of your income or your flashy car or house are probably a.) insincere in their befriending of you, b.) insecure, c.) ignorant/dumb or d.) all of the above.

Thankfully, I have faith in our generation. I don't know how long this will last, but I have met enough people my age, and at this point in my life, that my optimism seems warranted (albeit a bit idealistic). Nevertheless, the generations preceding us are slags, so it's up to us to make something, anything, of this country before it's too fucking late.

One love,
J Paul

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